Browse Wines

Wine Storage

Storage of your wines

When I think about my ideal storage, I imagine living in a vast castle perched atop the deepest dungeons where the atmosphere is kept perpetually damp and cool through its proximity to the surrounding waters of the castle's moat and from where a resilient cat banishes mice that would otherwise be nibbling at the corks of my 1964 Krug.

Not everyone is this fortunate, however. Still, what is important is that one has the facility to enjoy, not just the fruit of one's collecting, but the collection itself. Also, that the conditions in which one's wine is stored be as close to perfect as possible. 

Nexus Wine Collections

Bowes Wine outsources its client storage to an independent, specialist wine storage company, Nexus Wine Collections. They store our clients’ wines in the best professional bonded cellars in the UK, namely Octavian & LCB Dinton.

Bowes Wine and Nexus work very closely together for the benefit of our clients; as soon as we invoice you for your wine, we email a copy to Nexus who add the wine to your portfolio, pending its physical arrival. We arrange the transfer of all new purchase and liaise with them throughout the transfer process.

Clients can access their portfolios via Nexus’ website. To look at a sample portfolio, simply go to, enter the username and password nexus in the top right hand corner of the page. The sample portfolio will enable you to get a feel for the full functionality of their site and the information available: current stock holding, wines previously sold/delivered, source of each wine, cost value, current replacement value, total value of your stockholding, and so the list goes on.

When you set up an account with Nexus, you have the OPTION to grant us access to your portfolio, should you wish. You can offer us viewing access to all wines purchased from us (this will enable us to continue to offer you advice on these wines), viewing access to your entire portfolio including wines purchased from other merchants, or full access which allows Nexus to act on written instructions from Bowes Wine regarding delivery, transfer and shipment.

If you would like to open an account with Nexus, please email contact us and we will effect an introduction for you.

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17 Market Place
SN10 1HT

t: 01380 827291